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Choose your courses and learn
On JYU Online Courses learning platform you will find university level courses available for all. High-quality, research-based learning is here open for everyone.
The University of Jyväskylä represents the best of the world in several of its disciplines, for example in the study of learning, wellbeing and basic natural phenomena, reshaping competence to build a sustainable society.
You’ll find the courses offered below: Which one do you want to start with?
You can find the course specific information for registration in the course brochure right side of each course page.
Enjoy your online courses!
Liikunta, hyvinvointi ja terveys / Sport, Well-being and Healthcare
Opetus ja kasvatus / Teaching and Education
- EN
Educational Leadership: Supporting High-quality Teaching in Finland
- EN
Finnish Early Education and Pedagogy: The Right to Play, Learn and Participate
- EN
Finnish basic education: equal opportunities for all
- EN
Upper Secondary Education in Finland: No Dead Ends
- EN
Educational support and guidance services in Finland: agency through collaboration
- FI
Opettajan laaja-alainen osaaminen
Teknologia ja turvallisuus / Technology and Security
Ympäristö ja vastuullisuus / Environment and Sustainability
- FI
Johdatus planetaariseen hyvinvointiin (PW MOOC I)
- FI
Järjestelmät ja planetaarinen hyvinvointi (PW MOOC II)
- FI
Hyvä elämä ja planetaarinen hyvinvointi (PW MOOC III)
- FI
Reittejä planetaariseen hyvinvointiin (PW MOOC IV)
- EN
Introduction to planetary well-being (PW MOOC I)
- EN
Systems and planetary well-being (PW MOOC II)
- EN
Good life and planetary well-being (PW MOOC III)
- EN
Pathways to planetary well-being (PW MOOC IV)
- FI
Ekologisen kompensaation perusteet
- FI
Hiilijalanjälki haltuun
- FI
Kiertotalous tutuksi
Explore the courses
Click on an interesting course and explore the content in the course area. You don’t have to log in if you only want to explore the course content. If you want to see the tasks and complete the course, you need to register and sign up for the course.
You can register as a student and sign up for the courses on the registration website. When you register for the first time to our courses, you have to create a JYU user id. Please follow the instructions available on the registration page. You can also visit our websiteto read more about the courses we offer in English.
Start your studies in JYU Online Courses learning platform
When you have completed the registration and signed up for the course, there are two ways of finding your course from the JYU Online Courses learning platform. After the checkout you will find Go to your course –button from the course page. You will also get an confirmation email from JYU Online Courses learning platform, where you can find a link to your course. Log in to JYU Online Courses learning platform with your JYU credentials and get started with your studies. Enjoy your studies!
Other studies
Open University
You can find more courses offered in English from JYU Open University website
OpenupEd Quality Label

OpenupEd aims to be a distinct quality brand embracing a wide diversity of (institutional) approaches to open up education via the use of MOOCs. As a consequence, the OpenupEd community developed a quality label for MOOCs tailored to both e-learning and open education.