Study methods

In general upper secondary schools, teaching solutions promote, for example, mastering complex entities and interdisciplinary competence. Methods of study based on exploration, experimentation, and problem-solving promote learning to learn while developing critical and creative thinking. 

Meaningful learning experiences promote the student’s commitment and encourage them to study. The students are provided with opportunities for work that links the knowledge and skills to be studies both to their experiences and the phenomena occurring in the environment and society. They are encouraged and guided to solve open-ended and sufficiently challenging assignments, to detect problems as well as ask questions and search for solutions. 

The purpose of the instruction and study techniques of general upper secondary education is to promote students’ active work and the development of team skills. The students are guided to plan their studies, assess their skills related to the activities and work, and take responsibility for their learning. 

Assessment of students’ learning and competence

Assessment always takes place in the context of the objectives and the current situation. In general, assessment has two tasks: 
1) Providing support and guidance for learning 
2) Making visible the attainment of objectives set for competence and learning

Both formative and summative assessments include assessing the students’ work. Assessment should be versatile, and appropriate methods should be used for it. In addition to general assessment criteria, the students must be informed of the objectives and assessment criteria of each study unit at the beginning of the unit. 

A grade or a pass mark is awarded to students once each unit has been completed. In numerical grades, the scale of 4 to 10 is used. Numerical grades are awarded for compulsory studies and mostly national optional studies. For other optional studies, either a numerical grade or pass mark may be awarded as specified in the local curriculum.

Last modified: Wednesday, 29 May 2024, 10:42 AM