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      COMPULSORY Discussion task Keskustelualue

      After studying the whole section three:

      • Write a concise text where you go through what do you think, what are the best ways to reduce human environmental impact on the planet? Remember that regions differ with regard to population, wealth and technology. Also remember that with international trade, consumption and environmental impact often occur in different regions. Think also what kind of problems might be associated with different actions. Write your thoughts in a clear and concise manner. Add your thoughts as a new discussion topic to this platform.

      • Then comment on at least one other discussion thread. The pu rpose of commenting is to increase interaction and improve learning. Please remember in your comments to remain relevant and constructive.

      This discussion task is compulsory for passing the course. The task will automatically be marked as completed once you've started one discussion and participated in at least one other discussion.

      Saatavilla vasta, kun: Aktiviteetti Test your competence 2. on valmis ja suoritus hyväksytty
    • Tentti icon
      Test your competence 3 Tentti
      Sulkeutuu: torstaina 1. elokuuta 2024, 01.59
      Saatavilla vasta, kun: Aktiviteetti Test your competence 2. on valmis ja suoritus hyväksytty