Section outline

    • Course instructions:

      • Register for the course here, if you have not already done so. Only those who have registered will be able to complete the assignments and take the course.
      • The course is divided into sections, which can be found in the above tabs. You can navigate the course area by either using the tabs at the top of the page or the menu on the left.
      • The course is mainly composed of text sections. There are a few videos in the course. All course materials can be found in the course area. Each section has an activity related to the course: an online discussion with fellow students (only one compulsory chat on the course) and/or a Test Your Competence multiple-choice exam. The final section also includes a self-assessment task. All these assignments must be passed to pass the course.
      • There are also optional discussion forums that you can choose to participate in. It is mentioned separately if a task is optional.
      • You can track your progress using the progress tracking bar on the right-hand side of the page. Compulsory assignments that have been successfully completed will turn green once the task is completed.


      Course evaluation

      • The assessment of the course takes place automatically. You will get the exam results as soon as you have completed an exam. You can retake the exam if you did not pass.
      • The course is evaluated on a scale of 1-5. All compulsory course tasks must be passed to pass the course. To pass a section exam, at least 8 points (approx 66% of points) are required, out of a maximum score of 12 points.
      • You can get a maximum of 48 points from the course. The grade is formed according to the aggregate scores on the exams so that 66 % of points gets Grade 1; 75 % is equivalent to Grade 2; 80 % is equivalent to Grade 3, 85 % gets Grade 4, and 90 % or more get Grade 5.
      • Take each Test Your Competence Exam after studying the section. There are exams at the end of each section. Proceed in order, as you cannot take the next exam if the previous exam has not been passed.
      • The compulsory discussion task for the course is in section 3, and Moodle will automatically mark it as passed if you have followed the instructions in the assignment.
        • In this course discussion assignment, we ask you to create a small-scale roadmap for a case or actor of your choice that you think should contribute to sustainability efforts. We advise you to take notes with this task in mind as you study the course materials.
      • Self-assessment task can be done once the discussion and exam tasks have been passed. The date of returning the self-assessment will be the date of completion of the course. Course grades are entered into the register in bigger chunks, so please wait for a few days for your grade to register. The self-assessment task can be found under the Closing section of the course


      Something to ask?

      • If you have any questions about the course assignments or assessment that are not answered here, or if a feature in the course area is not working, there is a speech bubble (messages) in the top right corner of the page. Using that speech bubble, you can send a message to the course teacher.



      • Once you have completed the course, you can order a transcript of records as a course certificate for passing the course from the link under the Closing section.


      Good practises

      •  We have sought to build a course attainable for a variety of learners. We also want to provide every student with a safe learning experience. So please treat your fellow students with respect. Don't use discriminatory language (for example, in terms of gender, class, ethnicity, or age) and avoid making assumptions about others based on, say, name or gender.
      • Interactive sections of the course are monitored to prevent discriminatory or abusive behaviour. If you notice inappropriate behaviour, you can report it via the megaphone icon below.