Section outline

    • Welcome to the Pathways to planetary well-being course!

      This open course is aimed at anyone interested in the well-being of people and the planet, from upper secondary level to university and working life. The prerequisite for this course is BENY2023 course (Good life and planetary well-being). This course introduces the concept of sustainability transition and means of promoting it, with an emphasis on systems perspective and planetary well-being.


      Learning goals

      After completing the course, you can

      • Can describe the properties, functions and interactions of natural and social systems using the concepts of systems thinking.
      • Can argue why a holistic approach to the functions of systems is necessary for achieving sustainability.
      • Can describe the relationship between different social systems (e.g. energy and food systems) and sustainability.

      The general quidelines can be found on the next section called "Course instructions".

      We warmly welcome you to study !

      The course team:

      Teea Kortetmäki, Otto Snellman, Miikka Salo, Venla Korhonen, Mikael Puurtinen and Saana Kataja-aho.

      Many thanks also to the production team Ville Halttunen, Jari Niemi and Maiju Valkeinen for technical support!


      Copyright  of the material

      This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International - CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license.

      The copyright of this course and the material contained in it belongs to the authors of the material. This online course and the material contained in it may be freely used for non-commercial educational purposes by educational institutions, public administrations, public or non-profit associations and other similar bodies. Use of the course and the material contained therein for commercial training purposes is not permitted. When using material, you must always state that it originates from the University of Jyväskylä's Pathways to planetary well-being online course. You may not use the material as part of other works or modify it further. For linked content, CC licensing does not apply and you must ensure yourself how you may use the linked content. We have done our best to ensure that the course content only includes material that we have the right to use and have endeavored to ensure that external links are implemented in accordance with the requirements of the rights holders of the linked content. However, if you or the organization you represent have any concerns about the material contained in the course, please contact the teacher responsible for the course.

      Note! The following items of course material are not covered by Creative Commons licensing: linked content, artwork, photographs, videos, logos of organizations, technical implementation of the course platform, source code, and graphic elements.