Section outline

    • Welcome to the course: Educational support and guidance services in Finland: agency through collaboration 

      Great that you decided to hop on a joint journey that aims to bring quality education to children and young people everywhere!  This course is the fifth of the five Education in Finland - learning for life MOOCs exploring the joy of learning and equal opportunities in Finnish education. The course is suitable for everyone interested in the  high-quality teaching and comprehensive education from ECEC to upper secondary education and work-life needs. In this course you will learn the basic elements of Finnish high-quality support and guidance services as a part of the Finnish education system. There are no requirements for previous studies. The general quidelines can be found on the next tab called "Course instructions".

      Best regards from the course team!

    • After completing the course, you will be able to do the following:

      • describe the nature of support, guidance and counselling in Finland
      • describe special education and inclusive education and guidance practices in Finland
      • become acquainted with Finnish special teacher education and guidance education

    • Authors and course team: 

      Responsible teacher: Liisa Kytölä ( M.A. (Educ.), university teacher)

      Raija Pirttimaa (PhD, docent, senior lecturer) Educational support

      Jukka Lerkkanen (PhD, director of the open university) Guidance and counselling 

      Our warm thanks to everybody who was involved in creating the course.

      Mikko Aro (PhD, professor), Noora Heiskanen (PhD, university researcher), Leena Itkonen (PhD candiate, university teacher), Satu Jokinen (M.A. (Educ.), lector, special needs education teacher), Matti Kuorelahti (PhD, adjunct professor), Marja-Leena Laakso (PhD, professor, vice rector),  Jussi Lounassalo (M.A. (Educ.), guidance counsellor), Noora Nieminen (special education student teacher), Raimo Vuorinen (PhD, adjunct associate professor), Jyri Ylönen (M.A., student counsellor)

      Staff and the pupils from the University of Jyväskylä Teacher Training School, Keljonkangas Comprehensive School and Jyväskylä Educational Consortium Gradia.

      Participants in the production and technical implementation of the course content are Tony Melville (video voiceover) along with Teppo Haapasalo, Kari Toiviainen and Jani Lahtinen from Rotia prkl ltd.,  Hetamedia (Daniel)

    • Copyright of the material: CC-BY-NC-ND

      The copyright to the videos and materials in this course belongs to the authors. You must give appropriate credit and provide a link to the licence. You may not use the material for commercial purposes.  The licence may not give you all of the permission necessary for your intended use. For example, other rights regarding publicity, privacy, or moral rights may limit how you use the material. Copyright of the material: CC-BY-NC-ND