Courses are measured in ECTS credits. One ECTS credit corresponds to about 27 hours of work/studying, including course materials and assignments. You will receive a grade after completing the compulsory assignments. Grading scale: pass/fail. You will get a credit and a course certificate (a transcript of records) from the University of Jyväskylä.
In this course, you will study in the following ways:
watching videos
familiarizing yourself with the text material and research articles
completing small tasks that support your learning
Discussions are meant to be suitable for all and arose common interest in issues which are familiar to all of us. You decide how deeply and how much you write.
You will reflect on and test what you have learned by completing assignments such as questions and "final test" (quiz). You can take the quiz as many time as you need to complete it.
Please first complete the Starting point question (your goals). After that, you can continue to the first assignment. Remember to complete the Informed consent for research form (one question). You may wish to return to this survey at the end of the course.
Group discussion in section 2. Fundamental principles and underlying values (Academic writing is not required here. It’s your thoughts and experiences that are important! You have the opportunity to participate in a joint discussion.)
Transversal competence areas questions in section 3. Building on trust and autonomy
Discussion: Share your ideas in the What have we learned? section
Test your knowledge: multiple choices quiz as a final test in the What have we learned? section.
We would like to use the answers you provide in the course anonymously in our teaching, reporting and research, in line with the responsible conduct of research, (click for more information).