Section outline

    • Welcome to the course Systems and Planetary well-being!


      The open course is aimed at everyone interested in the well-being of people and the planet, from secondary school to university and for the needs of working life. BENY2021, the Introduction to Planetary Wellbeing course, is a prerequisite for completing this course. The course explores the properties and interactions of natural and social systems from a systemic perspective, emphasising sustainability issues.


      After completing the course, you

      • Can describe properties, functions and interactions of natural and social systems with systems-thinking terminology.
      • Can justify the importance of holistic systems approach to tackling sustainability.
      • Is able to describe how different social systems (e.g. food and energy systems) relate to sustainability.


      The general quidelines can be found on the next tab called "Course instructions".

      We warmly welcome you to study on our course!

      Course team:
      Mikael Puurtinen, Miikka Salo, Venla Korhonen ja Saana Kataja-aho

      Thank you also to the production team Ville Halttunen, Jari Niemi and Maiju Valkeinen for their technical support in the implementation of the course, and Kaisa Kortekallio for her help in translation!



      This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

      The copyright to this course and the material in it belongs to the authors of the material. This online course and the material contained in it are free to be used for non-commercial education in, for example, educational institutions, public administration, public or non-profit associations and other comparable organizations. The use of the course and its materials in commercial training is not permitted. When using the material, you should always state that it comes from the University of Jyväskylä's Systems and Planetary Well-being online course. You may not use or further modify the material as part of other works. For linked content, the CC license is not valid, and you must determine for yourself how you may use the linked content. We have made every effort to ensure that the course content contains only material to which we are entitled and that we have endeavored to ensure that the external links are implemented in accordance with the requirements of the rights holders of the linked content. However, if you or the community you represent have any comments about the material in the course, please contact the course teacher.

      Note! The following items in the course material are not covered by Creative Commons licensing: linked content, drawings and photographs, videos, organization logos, technical implementation of the course platform, source code, and graphic elements.